Most difficult environment since 60 years. FED-EX Chairman Link zum Transcript Quartalsbericht 15.09.2020
“I’ve been in this business for forty years. I’ve never seen a more difficult operating environment from the one we are in. We are dealing with a 100 year pandemic, absenteeism as a result in certain facilities. Wildfires, hurricanes, social unrest unlike anything I’ve seen since the 60s. And I live through the 60s, so I remember it. All of that places some pretty difficult challenges on an operation when you are trying to run a national network.”
“I’ve been in this business for forty years. I’ve never seen a more difficult operating environment from the one we are in. We are dealing with a 100 year pandemic, absenteeism as a result in certain facilities. Wildfires, hurricanes, social unrest unlike anything I’ve seen since the 60s. And I live through the 60s, so I remember it. All of that places some pretty difficult challenges on an operation when you are trying to run a national network.”
“What’s happening is basically we’re learning to live with…COVID which still spreads. And we’re learning to engage in economic activity.”
wir verkaufen alle Trucks die wir gerade herstellen können Transcript 14.09.2020 GM CEO Mary Barra
"While we carefully continue to monitor the coronavirus and its effect on public health and our operations, we are encouraged about the recovery we are seeing in most of our markets, including a strong U.S. industry SAR in August. Our full-sized and SUV plants are running all out and our other facilities are operating in line with market demand. We are selling every full-sized truck and SUV we can produce as demand remains strong and our inventories remain lean"
Zinsen bleiben weiterhin jahrelang auf Null - FED Chair Jerome Powell / Transcript 16.09.2020
"Well, so we think that the forward guidance we adopted today is appropriate, and as I mentioned, powerful. Effectively, what it says is that we will keep policy where it is now, keep the rate policy where it is now until labor market conditions reach levels that are consistent with the committee’s assessments of maximum employment until inflation reaches 2%, and until it’s on track to go above 2% moderately for some time. So that’s very strong forward guidance. And we think that that will be durable guidance that will provide significant support to the economy in coming years. So that’s really our thinking on forward guidance on rates.
Es gibt Risiken - JPMorgan Chase / Jennifer A. Piepszak Chief Financial Officer / Transcript 15.09.2020
“And so, while things do look a little bit better than we thought they would, we’re still dealing with an enormous amount of uncertainty looking ahead. Obviously, we have an election. We have a potential second wave. We have tapering of stimulus, as you said. There’re still lots of things to be worried about.”
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